Empowered Meditations and Ceremony with Maria Brophy

Empowered Meditations and Ceremony with Maria Brophy

Hosted by: Maria Brophy

Meditations and ceremony to empower women, men and children. Improve your life using ancient wisdoms and modern discoveries.


Ep #2 - Why I started the EMPOWERED Meditations & Ceremony Podcast

An introduction to the EMPOWERED MEDITATION & CEREMONY PODCAST and why I started it. My name is Maria Brophy. I've been leading guided meditations, journaling sessions, Full Moon Ceremonies and Women's Circles for...
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Ep #1 - Masculine & Feminine Balance Meditation

BALANCE THE MASCULINE AND FEMININE ENERGIES:  A 15  MINUTE GUIDED MEDITATION FOR MEN AND WOMEN, guided by facilitator Maria Brophy.  When our masculine and feminine energies are out of balance, there is distress and...
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