Ep #68 - Ghosted by an Art Buyer - What to Do!

Season #2

GHOSTED by an art buyer? I have answers for you!

In this podcast, I share my solution to dealing with people who act interested in your art, but then GHOST you (disappear) when it's time to pay.  

This is a topic of great concern with my MASTERMIND Members https://www.skool.com/art-money-success-mastermind-6721/about (check out the mastermind if you want to grow your art biz)

✅ Did this podcast help you?


✅ For Massive Growth in your art, join my ART MONEY SUCCESS MASTERMIND for Artists - it's powerful: https://www.skool.com/art-money-success-mastermind-6721/about

✅ JOIN MY INNER CIRCLE (then you can email your questions for this Podcast) by SIGNING UP for my 11 week FREE e-course that helps artists reach $100,000/year: https://bit.ly/3zvzLHa

✅My Book ART MONEY SUCCESS shares all my secrets on how Drew Brophy and I have sold $3 Million in art: https://www.amazon.com/Art-Money-Success-Easy-Follow/dp/B07JJMXN8J/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1W2CMP868YLXI&keywords=art+money+success&qid=1698869385&sprefix=art+money+success%2Caps%2C146&sr=8-3

✅ Not sure how much to charge $$$ for a wall mural? Or what to write in your proposal? I did all the work for you! 👉 ARTIST'S WALL MURAL COURSE AND PRICING/PROPOSAL PACKAGE for an easier business structure: https://www.brophyartacademy.com/artist-wall-mural-course-proposal-template

🌟Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariabrophy/

✅ SIGN UP for my 11 week FREE e-course that helps artists increase their income beyond $100,000/year: https://bit.ly/3zvzLHa 👉CHECK OUT my online art business courses to grow your art biz: https://www.brophyartacademy.com/

✅All my Links: https://linktr.ee/mariabrophy

✅Artist Business Templates: https://www.brophyartacademy.com/art-business



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