At Brophy Art Academy, we meet all kinds of artists. Some have spent years working on their craft, while many others are beginners that have always longed to express themselves through visual art. Posca pen art can be the ideal way to dive into painting, and we can give you all the support you need to create amazing, fulfilling pieces of art.
We find that everyone has an inner artist, but many people lack confidence. We hear all the time, “I could never be an artist,” or “I could never create great artwork.” But we promise you, with a bit of instruction, anyone can create something beautiful.
With our online art courses, you quickly will learn all the techniques you need in order to create with Posca paint pens. The online courses include several lessons, which you can view again and again.
Posca paint pens are an ideal medium for anyone who wants to learn how to paint. They are easy to use, come in an assortment of vivid colors (as well as black and white), and you can even blend the paint to produce the exact hue you want.
Posca pens can be used to create just about any type of art that you love. Our founder, Drew Brophy, uses Posca pens exclusively to create his signature surf art, but we’ve seen people use it to create abstract art, graffiti art, landscapes, cartoon art and just about anything else you can imagine.
And, with Posca pen art, you have the freedom to paint on a huge range of surfaces. In addition to canvases, Drew uses his Posca pens to transform surfboards into works of art. Posca pens can be used to decorate canvas shoes, rocks, wood, fabric, glass and just about any other surface you can imagine.
Posca paint pens are available in a wide range of tip sizes. For our Posca pen art kit, we include a set of Posca’s PC-7M paint pens in a variety of colors. This is a broad-tipped type of paint pen that is perfect for general use, and we find it is a fantastic option for beginners, but it’s also one of Drew’s favorite Posca paint pen sizes.
Art is so important for children – it provides very young children with a means of communication during a time when their verbal vocabulary is developing. As they get older, art can provide the creative outlet which we all need. There are few activities more soothing that painting, drawing, or sketching.
These days, especially with all of the turmoil in the world, finding a creative outlet has never been more important. This is especially true with children and young adults. The world is chaotic and what was normal a few months ago has changed forever. Posca pen art can be a fun, imaginative activity that soothes their souls.
Our Posca Beginner Online Painting Course is a perfect option for kids as well as adults. If you’ve been searching for some fun summer activities, this can be a fantastic option, and once they’ve completed the lessons and feel comfortable with Posca pen art, there’s no end to the creativity.
If you are ready to unleash your inner artist, our Beginner Online Course will teach you all of the techniques, tips, and tricks you need to get started with Posca pen art. Led by Drew Brophy, each lesson provides step-by-step, easy-to-follow instructions that will have you creating works of art in no time at all.
You can opt for the online lessons by themselves or pair them with our Posca Starter Art Kit which contains a set of Posca paint pens, pencils, drawing paper and other tools to help you get started all stored in a collectible box with original art designed by Drew Brophy. All lessons are online, and once you purchase the course, you will be given a code to access the tutorials. You can watch them again and again to help you improve your technique and become comfortable working with Posca pens.
Grab five of your best friends and get painting! Our Posca Paint Party Kit includes all of the supplies you’ll need for up to six people to have the freedom to create! This kit also includes our online Posca Beginner Course taught by Drew Brophy.
This kit includes six canvas boards, two sets of Posca paint pens, pencils, a sketch pad, some of Drew’s signature stickers, and six mini surfboard templates ready to color in. The surfboard templates are a great way to get started with Posca pen art, learning how to apply the paint and experimenting with blending colors.
These Posca Paint Party Kits are fantastic for a couple’s night, a wine night, and especially as a fun family activity. The lessons are suitable for artists of all ages, and absolutely no experience is necessary. We promise that everyone will have a blast, and will be surprised at how easy it is to paint using the Posca pens.
You can order the beginner course online and the paint party directly from our website, and both options make a great gift. If you want to dive further into Posca pen art, we also sell additional sets of Posca pens in a variety of tip widths and colors. Make your dreams of becoming an artist a reality and get started with Posca paint art today!
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